Actor Priyanka Chopra celebrated her 40th birthday with her husband, Nick Jonas, family members and close friends in Mexico last month. Priyanka and her friends shared snippets from the occasion, which immediately went viral on social media. Yesterday, Nick also delighted his fans by dropping an unseen photo from the celebrations, and it shows the couple striking a romantic pose for the camera. While Nick and Priyanka gave major couple goals with the click, we could not take our eyes off her dress. If you loved it, keep scrolling ahead to find details about where you can get the exact look.
On Thursday, Nick Jonas posted a never-before-seen photo with Priyanka Chopra from her 40th birthday celebrations. The 29-year-old singer captioned the post, “Lady in red [heart emoji].” While Nick wore a printed co-ord set, his lady love dropped a bold look in a red cut-out dress. It is from the shelves of the clothing label Cult Gaia and is the perfect beach look for the summers. Check out the post below. (Also Read: Happy Birthday Priyanka Chopra: Why the actor will forever remain our favourite Desi Girl)
Priyanka’s dress is available on the Cult Gaia website if you wish to include it in your summer party or beach collection. It is called the Donna Dress and will cost you ₹39,000. The ensemble comes in a bright red shade and will surely turn heads at any beach party you attend this year.
Regarding the design details, Priyanka’s dress has a strapless silhouette and an ultra-flattering bodycon fitting accentuating her enviable curves. It also features strategically placed cut-outs under the bust for a bold and elegant look, gold hooks, a gathered design on the torso, a tie to adjust the skirt, a thigh-high leg-baring slit, and a midi hem length.
Priyanka wore the ensemble with matching accessories, including strappy red-coloured heels, a top handle mini bag, a sleek bracelet, and gold patterned earrings. A centre-parted open hairdo, shimmering eye shadow, bold red lip shade, bronzer, blushed cheeks, beaming highlighter, mascara on the lashes, and sharp contouring completed the glam picks.
Meanwhile, Priyanka has several projects lined up. She will be seen next in It’s All Coming Back To Me, Citadel with Richard Madden, and Farhan Akhtar’s Jee Le Zaraa with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif.
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