The stunning Kiara Advani is currently busy promoting her upcoming movie “Satyaprem Ki Katha,” and her promotional looks are truly stunning. After donning an exquisite orange three-piece ensemble, this time the actress slipped into a gorgeous green dress, serving as a major source of summer fashion inspiration. Kiara knows exactly how to turn heads, and whenever she uploads her pictures on social media, they instantly go viral. Her Instagram diaries are a treasure trove of inspiration for all fashion lovers out there. While we wait for her next fashion look, let’s delve into the details and take some style notes from her appearance. (Also read: Kiara Advani with Kartik Aaryan at Satyaprem Ki Katha Jaipur event stuns in mirror jacket with floral bra top and pants )
Kiara Advani stuns in a green knitted dress
The actress drove away our Monday blues as she uploaded a series of pictures on Instagram with the caption, “Love is Evergreen.” In the post, Kiara can be seen posing gracefully in a stunning green outfit. Her pictures quickly went viral on Instagram, garnering more than 1M likes and receiving several comments from her fans showering her with praises and compliments. Even her handsome husband, Siddharth Malhotra, couldn’t resist commenting and posted several fire and heart-eye emojis. Let’s take a moment to admire her stunning pictures.
For her look, Kiara chose a gorgeous green dress from the shelves of fashion brand Cult Gaia. Her outfit features a knitted fabric, a deep V-neckline, a halterneck, and cut-out detailing on the midriff, along with three belted designs, and a bodycon fit. If you loved Kiara’s dress and are curious about its price, we’ve got you covered. The dress costs 2,490 Israeli shekels, which is approximately equivalent to 56K Indian rupees. Check it out.
Assisted by make-up artist Sonik Sarwate, Kiara opted for a minimalist make-up look with nude eyeshadow, winged eyeliner, Masacar coated lashes, contoured cheeks and a shade of nude lipstick. With the assistance of hairstylist Nikita Menon, Kiara left her lush tresses open in a centre parting that cascaded beautifully down her shoulders. With the help of stylist Lakshmi Lehr, Kiara completed her look with a pair of matching green Stellito heels. Kiara’s stunning appearance captivates us from top to bottom, leaving us eagerly anticipating her next show-stopping ensemble.
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