Nisha Rawal, actor and Lock Upp contestant, has revealed on the show that she had kissed another man while she was married to her ex-husband Karan Mehra. In the reality show, she was asked by host, actor Kangana Ranaut to reveal her secret after she hit the buzzer. She said that after her miscarriage, in 2014, she got attracted to another man in 2015 and looked to him for support. (Also Read | Lock Upp’s Nisha Rawal says husband Karan Mehra confessed to having an affair but told her he loved her too)
Nisha said, “I got married in 2012 with my ex-husband (Karan Mehra) and in 2014 I miscarried a baby. I had spoken about this. The baby was five months old when I miscarried. Many also know that I was in a physically and mentally abusive relationship.”
She also added, “After the miscarriage, it came as a shocker. As a woman, there was a lot going on in my body and mind. Then, too, there were many incidents of abuse in my life. There was no one to share because being a public figure, me and my ex-husband it’s not easy to come out in the open. You think of your family and being judged by society. There was a lack of support. I was going through a lot of trauma.”
“There was an incident where a big physical abuse took place. In 2015, at my cousin’s sangeet ceremony, there was a big incident and I was completely broken. I wanted to get therapy to talk to someone. There was a fear of being judged if I spoke to friends. At that time, we were also shifting to our new home. There I met an old friend. We connected after a long time. I confided in him about a lot of things apart from the abusive past. My ex-husband was aware of every time I would meet him. But I think I got close to him,” she continued.
Nisha also added, “I really got attracted to him because I think there was a lack of a lot of support and it was natural to get attracted. I got a lot of emotional support from him. There was a moment when I kissed that person. I confessed to my ex-husband that day itself. I also told him ‘We are not in a good state of our relationship.’ We had already spoken about parting ways and after that incident, I said that ‘I am sure I don’t want to be in the relationship and we should walk our ways’. It was difficult for me to come and say it but it was not taken positively then. But it was a big secret that I was attracted to another man while I was still married in 2015.” Nisha and Karan, who separated last year, have a son Kavish Mehra.
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