The much-loved duo Kunchako Boban and Biju Menon are teaming up again for an upcoming film directed by Martin Prakkat. The film will have a script written by Nna Thaan Case Kodu helmer Ratheesh Balakrishnan Poduval. Kunchacko Boban announced the news through his Instagram handle.
Kunchacko Boban and Biju Menon first collaborated in 2011-released Seniors. Then the duo shared the screen in many films, including Ordinary, Mallu Singh,101 Weddings, Romans,3 Dots, Madhura Naranga, and Bhaiyya Bhaiyya.
Kunchacko Boban was previously associated with Martin Prakkat in Nayattu and Ratheesh Balakrishna Pothuval in Nna Thaan Case Kodu.
Bankrolled by Udaya Pictures and Kunchacko Boban Productions, the film’s cinematography will be handled by Shyju Khalid. Kunchacko Boban described the team as one of his “dream combos” and mentioned them as the “best in the industry.”
Kunchacko Boban and Biju Menon first collaborated in 2011-released Seniors. Then the duo shared the screen in many films, including Ordinary, Mallu Singh,101 Weddings, Romans,3 Dots, Madhura Naranga, and Bhaiyya Bhaiyya.googletag.cmd.push(function() {googletag.display(‘div-gpt-ad-8052921-2’); });
Kunchacko Boban was previously associated with Martin Prakkat in Nayattu and Ratheesh Balakrishna Pothuval in Nna Thaan Case Kodu.
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