Actor Kirti Kulhari is making a comeback to the comedy genre after 23 years, as she would be seen reprising the role of Parminder in the sequel of her debut film, Khichdi. Calling it a full circle moment in her career, she says, “I returned to this film with a bang when I got the offer. I started my acting journey with Khichdi, and I was super excited when I was approached for this sequel. Part of me was also like, ‘Ab toh main dikha dungi.’ So, it’s been great.”
Recalling her first day on the sets of Khichdi 2, Kulhari, who otherwise takes too much pressure while playing a part, confesses that for the role of Parminder, she remained natural and light-minded. “Last time, my first question to my director (Aatish Kapadia) was how he wanted me to prepare for the role and he told me to just leave my brain at home, come on set and have fun,” she continues, “This time, there was no conversation with him. He had nothing to say to me because for some reason he just knew that I fully remembered Parminder. It was the first day of shoot, and I was straight put into this hilariously over-the-top dramatic scene, and I think I killed it. I just went for it and my team who has seen me do the serious stuff for the last few years, they were like, ‘Who is this person?’ Even I asked myself, ‘Can I still do it?’ Do I still have it in me?’”
Kulhari, who garnered immense appreciation for her debut OTT show, Four More Shots Please!, feels that the series was also in the comedy genre, but sadly audience thought otherwise. “I take acting very seriously, and the kind of roles I tend to do are very intense. I did Four More Shots Please, which was also kind of a comedy but was misunderstood. And here I am, doing Khichdi, which is exactly the kind of comedy that people think is comedy,” explains the 38-year-old.
Besides acting, Kulhari added another feather in her hat when she announced her first film as a producer last year. But, the actor is aware that it’s not going to be an easy road ahead. “It’s a struggle. After establishing myself as an actor, it’s sort of a panga that I’ve taken, almost going back to starting from scratch. I’ve spent the last year meeting people and understanding a lot of things about the industry, the market, and the way things function,” she says, adding that turning to production is a different ball game altogether as compared in front of the camera.
“When you’re acting, you’re living in your own body, limited to one aspect of it. You’re in a comfort zone while playing a role. But being a producer, I’ve started noticing a lot of things around me on the set about people, and the dos and don’ts I should be following now as a producer,” she shares.
On a lighter note, the actor reveals that she has never met so many people in her life, as she met after becoming a producer. “I had a huge problem in reaching out. The amount of people I’ve met as a producer is unbelievable. And I’ve not felt hesitant or embarrassed about talking to people about how I can go and sell myself. It’s challenging because no matter who you are, if, you are taking up something new, you just have to start from scratch. Now I’m at peace with it,” she ends.
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