Actor Kirron Kher took a jibe at her India’s Got Talent co-judge, rapper Badshah over his Lamborghini. Taking to Instagram, actor and judge of the show Shilpa Shetty shared a video in which Kirron also hilariously pulled up the fourth judge, writer Manoj Muntashir.
In the video, Shilpa Shetty asked Kirron Kher, “What do you have to say about the car?” She replied, “Lamborghini kharidi itni badi (He bought a Lamborghini this big),” as she made a gesture with her hand.
Kirron then continued, “Yeh toh chaabi band karke chala gaya upar. Chala kar aaya tha. Iske driver ko chaabi lagani nahi aarahi. Is gate se leke Yash Raj ke bahar ke gate tak gaadiyon ki line lagi hai. Kyun? Kyunki Badshah ji ki nayi Lamborghini aage nahi jahari. Wah kya baat hai. Yeh ek se badkar ek (He came upstairs after turning off the ignition. He drove his car till here. His driver was unable to start the car. There was a long queue from here till Yash Raj’s gate. Why? Because Badshah’s new Lamborghini wasn’t moving forward. Wow).” Badshah apologised with folded hands. He said, “Sorry, sorry.”
Kirron then pulled Manoj’s leg saying, “Woh rang birange suit o waale humare writer (There’s our writer in colourful suits).” She pointed at Manoj as he nodded with folded hands. Kirron revealed that he started doing photo sessions after arriving on the set in the morning. “Shilpaji aapne kya kiya hoga photo session (Shilpa, you can’t compete with his photo session)?”
The veteran actor then continued that he started giving different poses for the camera at different places on the sets. She said, “Oye professional model thak jaaye (A professional model will get tired).” When Shilpa asked for his response, Manoj shook his head and said, “Bolti bandh (I’ve nothing to say).”
As the video continued, Kirron also said, “Shilpa aur mereko time nahi laagta (Shilpa and I don’t take much time).” She was seemingly talking about getting ready for the show. Reacting to this, a laughing Shilpa said, “Point to be noted, my lord.”
Also Read | Kirron Kher complains about never-ending touch-ups, Shilpa Shetty gets new nicknames from Badshah: ‘Gulabo, rooh afza’
Sharing the clip, Shilpa captioned it, “Savage level: @kirronkhermp ji @badboyshah @manojmuntashir BTS on IGT.” She added the hashtags–India’s Got Talent, BTS, Behind the scenes, Fun times, Gratitude and Blessed. Reacting to this, Kirron’s son, actor Sikandar Kher commented, “This reminds me of that song .. lambergheeni chalayi ……” He also added, “Dobaara meri mummy ko dher saara pyaar (Much love to my mother again)!”
Shilpa has been sharing behind the scenes clips from the show’s sets on her Instagram account for the past few weeks. The judges are seen having fun with each other in the videos.
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