Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Wednesday. It is not clear if they were headed for a vacation or visiting Sidharth’s family in Delhi. The actors were casually dressed for the morning flight. Also read: Kiara Advani says Sidharth Malhotra asks her to be more ambitious: ‘Don’t hold back, do what you want to’
A paparazzo account on Instagram shared a video of Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara from the airport. While Sidharth was seen in a plain black T-shirt, white track pants and white shoes, Kiara was in a white camisole, blue pants and heels. She also carried a big pink handbag and was without makeup.
Fans of the two looked concerned in the comments section with some even claiming they had a fight or cried before stepping out together.
A fan said in their defense, “Why are people overanalysing, she just looks tired, which is very normal. She is continuously working and travelling, it’s an early morning flight.” A fan called them ‘best jodi (couple) ever’. Another said, “I love them… perfect couple.” A fan also said ‘this song and that pair’, as the video was shared by the paparazzo with their song Ranjha from the film Shershaah.
More about Kiara and Sidharth
Kiara recently saw the release of her film Satyaprem Ki Katha, in which she stars opposite Kartik Aaryan. The film received positive reaction from the audience but slowed down in its first week itself. It currently stands at a total of ₹78.86 crore.
Kiara will now be seen in filmmaker Shankar’s Game Changer opposite Ram Charan. Sidharth has his debut web series, Indian Police Force, in which he plays a cop. He also has the film Yodha, in which he plays a soldier yet again. It is set to release in December.
Kiara on how Sidharth supports her
Kiara recently opened up about being trolled for her intimate scenes in Satyaprem Ki Katha as some questioned her for doing them despite being married now. She said it was Sidharth who came to her support and made her understand the situation better. “He was the one who explained it to me, ‘Look, there will always be these negative trolls, but if you’re going to give so much importance to this and be sitting at home and crying and behaving like s*** has hit the roof, what’s wrong with you?’” she told Film Companion in an interview.
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