Khushi Kapoor took to Instagram to share a picture of her parents, Sridevi and Boney Kapoor, that appears to have been clicked in the 1990s. Posting the photo, she wrote, “The coolest.” While she limited the comments on the post, it was liked by her elder sister Janhvi Kapoor, cousin Shanaya Kapoor, Navya Naveli Nanda and Aaliyah Kashyap, among others.
In the photo shared by Khushi Kapoor on Instagram, Boney Kapoor wore a grey jacket over a white T-shirt and a red cap, as he stood with his arms folded. Sridevi stood next to him, wearing a black outfit with a black and white striped shawl draped over her head, and sunglasses.
Khushi is the younger daughter of Sridevi and Boney. Like her mother and elder sister Janhvi Kapoor, she wants to become an actor and is currently studying at the New York Film Academy. She will soon be launched in the film industry by a prominent filmmaker.
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Earlier, in a ‘Quarantine Tape’, Khushi talked about feeling insecure because of the comparisons with Sridevi and Janhvi. “People still s**t on me. I’m kind of shy and awkward. Obviously, sometimes, the hate gets to you, especially being so young. I just want people to know I am a real person. I didn’t really know how to handle it, so my self-esteem issues and insecurities stem from that,” she said.
“As a child, it affected the way I saw my parents. I didn’t look like my mom and I didn’t look like my sister, so sometimes, people would point that out and make fun of me. I wasn’t the healthiest about it at some point and it affected the way I would eat and the way I would dress,” she added. She also said, however, that she has since learnt to be comfortable in her own skin.
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