Kavita Chawla, a homemaker from Kolhapur, Maharashtra is the first contestant to win the cash prize of ₹1 crore on the latest season of Kaun Banega Crorepati. Kavita is still on the hot seat, and will answer the ₹7.5 crore question. On Saturday, Sony TV released a promo of the latest KBC 14 episode featuring Kavita with the show’s host, Amitabh Bachchan. As per a report, Kavita has studied till Class XII. Read more: KBC 14 contestant who brought girlfriend on Amitabh Bachchan show reveals his family’s reaction
Along with the KBC 14 promo shared on Instagram, the channel wrote in the caption, “Housewife Kavita Chawla ji ne ₹1 crore jeet kar KBC season 14 mein ek naya itihaas rach diya! Dekhiye Kaun Banega Crorepati, iss Monday aur Tuesday raat 9 baje, sirf Sony par (Kavita Chawla, who is a housewife, won ₹1 crore on KBC 14 to make history. Watch Kaun Banega Crorepati on Monday and Tuesday at 9pm only on Sony TV). In the clip, Kavita is seen celebrating after she wins the ₹1 crore prize. The KBC contestant also looks focused before attempting her next question, which can win her ₹7.5 crore, if answered correctly. Earlier in August, Ayush Garg from Delhi had become the first contestant of this season to pass the new stage of ₹75 lakh on the Amitabh Bachchan-hosted show.
In a new interview with Times of India, Kavita said, “I am extremely happy to reach till here. I feel proud that I am the first contestant to win ₹1 crore and I am really hoping and looking forward to answering the ₹7.5 crore question too. My father and son Vivek are with me in Mumbai and nobody in my family knows yet that I have won 1 crore. I want them to see the show and surprise them.”
As per the Times of India report, Kavita has studied only till Class XII and she has tried to keep her reading and learning interest alive. She also shared that she had dreamt of being on the show and it was like a dream come true for her. “One of the reasons I did that was to be on KBC. Right from the year 2000, I wanted to be part of the show. Last year too, I came on the show, but only reached the fastest finger round. This year, I have fulfilled my dream by reaching this point. Whenever I used to make my son study, I would learn along with him,” Kavita said.
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