Kartik Aaryan, who is currently shooting for his upcoming film Satyaprem Ki Katha, treated himself to some lip-smacking snacks in Ahmedabad. The actor was given a 15-minute break to relish the “evening snack”. He shared a snap of his indulgence on Instagram Stories and needless to say, it has left us hungry. What did Kartik eat? Cutlets. The flavourful round-shaped cutlets were topped with coriander leaves. The dish was accompanied by a quintessential dip served in a bowl on the side. Kartik wrote, “Only 15 minutes break” and “Evening snack.” He also used the hashtag “Satyaprem Ki Katha.” Take a look:
Also read: Kartik Aaryan Digs Into Choco Lava Cake, Confesses He Has A “Sweet Tooth Weakness”
Like Kartik Aaryan, if you too are craving some yummy snacks this Sunday, take a look at the recipes below. Pair them with your evening cuppa and you won’t regret it.
1)Vegetable Cutlet
This recipe is prepared with a range of vegetables including French beans, bottle gourd, cauliflower, carrots, and others. Vegetable cutlets are rich and flavourful. Make this at home and enjoy it with your loved ones. Recipe here.
2) Fried Onion Rings
A plate full of onion rings can turn out to be the hero dish on the table. Serve it with tomato ketchup or a dip of your choice. Find the recipe here.
3) Cheese and Herb Potato Wedges
It’s fantastic how you can use humble potatoes and come up with many creative dishes. With some drool-worthy flavours of garlic, cheese, oregano and chillies, these potato snacks are an ideal munching snack for the evening. Click here for the recipe.
4) Bread Pakoda
Can we call it the best snack on the list, please? They say a lot can happen over a plate of bread pakoda and tea. And, we can’t agree more. It’s a potato-filled delicacy that’s spicy, tangy and all things delicious. Serve it with chutney, tamarind or cilantro-lime. Find the recipe here.
5) Veg Crispy
This is one mouth-watering snack prepared with vegetables dipped in a maida batter and deep-fried until golden brown. Relish these with your favourite dip and you’ll love it. Recipe here.
So, what are you going to make today?
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Sweet Potato Cutlet Recipe | How To Make Sweet Potato Cutlet
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