One can always trust Kareena Kapoor Khan to serve a fashion statement every single time she steps out in the city. The actor’s sartorial choices for attending star-studded events or red-carpet occasions win our fashion-hungry hearts, but nothing beats her effortless and laidback wardrobe for airport fashion. This time, Kareena was seen in an all-black avatar as she boarded a flight out of Mumbai with her youngest son, Jeh Ali Khan. The star proved she is a fashionista mom and served tips on how to look effortlessly cool while preparing for longer journeys.
Kareena Kapoor is a fashionista in an all-black airport look
On Wednesday, the paparazzi clicked Kareena Kapoor Khan at the airport, catching a flight out of Mumbai with her son, Jeh Ali Khan. Soon, pictures and videos of Kareena and Jeh started circulating on social media and showed the actor carrying her youngest son in her arms. While Jeh looked adorable in a check-printed shirt and denim jeans, his mom turned into a total fashionista dressed in an all-black classy athleisure outfit. The mother-son duo aced the airport fashion statement like pros, and all moms should definitely steal some styling tips from Kareena. Check out Kareena and Jeh’s video at the airport below. (Also Read: Kareena Kapoor, Malaika Arora with Natasha Poonawalla have girlfriends’ day out)
Kareena Kapoor kept her style comfy with a solid black sweatshirt featuring a round neckline, hoodie on the back, figure-skimming silhouette, pockets on the front, cinched cuffs and waist, and full-length sleeves. She wore matching jogger pants with gathered hems to complete the airport outfit.
In the end, Kareena styled the all-black outfit with white lace-up sneakers, black tinted sunglasses, a sleek ponytail, mauve lip shade, glowing skin, and a no-makeup look.
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor Khan will be next seen in director Sujoy Ghosh’s upcoming thriller film. It is based on the book The Devotion Of Suspect X. It also stars Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat.
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