Actor Kareena Kapoor and her son Taimur Ali Khan were seen out and about in Mumbai. For their Sunday outing, the actor channelled her inner desi girl and opted for a traditional look with a twist. On the other hand her son kept it casual. A paparazzi video from their residence has now surfaced online. Also read: Kareena Kapoor waves at fan who tells her ‘ek baar hath lagane do’, internet supports her decision
In the video, Kareena and Taimur are seen waiting for their car outside their building. Kareena wore a printed pastel-coloured kurta-pant set. Her outfit also came with a matching jacket. She paired it with hoops, sunglasses and had her hair tied in a bun.
Taimur wore a red T-shirt which had his name written on the back. The mother and son got into their car and zoomed off. They were later seen arriving at The Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre.
Taimur is Kareena and Saif Ali Khan’s oldest son. They also have a two-year-old son, Jehangir Ali Khan. The couple got married in 2012 after years of dating, and are stay in Bandra, Mumbai. The family is among the favourites of paparazzi and is often chased by media.
On Saturday evening, Kareena and Saif were out on a dinner date. They arrived at a restaurant in their car. While Saif kept it casual in a grey t-shirt and denims, Kareena wore a yellow top with black pants. As she got down from the vehicle, her security guided her. Amid this, a fan also approached her.
Kareena seemed rather uncomfortable when the fan walked to her and requested, “Ek baar hath lagane do (let me touch your hands).” The fan kept repeating it after the actor’s security denied her. However, Kareena smiled and waved at her before entering the venue. After the video of the incident was shared on social media, several fans came out in support of Kareena’s decision.
Kareena is currently working on her next film, The Crew. It also stars Kriti Sanon, Diljit Dosanjh, and Tabu. Besides The Crew, she is also a part of Sujoy Ghosh’s upcoming film, based on the book The Devotion Of Suspect X, with Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat. She also has Hansal Mehta’s next untitled film.
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