Kareena Kapoor Khan took her sons Taimur and Jehangir for a get-together at her father Randhir Kapoor’s home in Mumbai on Saturday. The star’s mother, Babita, and her sister, Karisma Kapoor, attended the lunch date. Kareena even shared pictures from the intimate occasion, and one of them also featured Taimur.
Kareena took to Instagram to post a picture of herself posing with Randhir Kapoor, Babita, and Karisma Kapoor. She captioned the post, “My world.” She also shared a selfie with Taimur on her stories and wrote, “What’s on my t shirt Tim? You,” with heart emoticons.
Kareena chose a trendy outfit for the lunch date that included a white printed T-shirt and tie-dye print pants. Her sister and her parents were also dressed casually in comfy attires. If you also loved Kareena’s look for the family gathering, read on to know all about it.
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Printed tops will never go out of style, and Kareena Kapoor’s off-duty wardrobe for lunch dates with family or outing in the bay proves the same. The actor often makes appearances in trendy T-shirts, giving us styling cues to elevate our closet.
For a family lunch at her father’s place, Kareena chose a comfy and chic top from Christian Dior. She wore a Dior ecru cotton jersey and linen t-shirt featuring the ‘heart breaker’ print. The classic crew-neck cut design, embellished with the ‘Christian Dior’ signature on the back, made her look glam.
Kareena teamed the top with loose-fitted trousers in a blue and white tie-dye print. She folded the hems of her pants to give them a contemporary look. Chunky white lace-up sneakers, stacked bracelets and rings completed Kareena’s look.
The mother-of-two left her tousled locks open in a side parting and went for minimal make-up and nude lip shade for her glam.
Coming back to Kareena’s outfit, if you wish to add her Christian Dior T-shirt to your wardrobe, we have found all the details for you. The top is available on the label’s website for ₹61,316 approximately (USD 840).
What do you think of Bebo’s off-duty style?
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