TV actor Karanvir Bohra on Tuesday posted a video on Instagram, in which he was seen chasing actor Abhay Deol’s car in Mumbai. After catching up with him, he posed for pictures with Abhay.
Sharing the video, Karanvir wrote: “Caught @abhaydeol Ha ha ha, this was so much fun, we chased him for 10min and finally caught him, Simple pleasures of life… good to see you bro.” The video showed Karanvir and his wife Teejay Sidhu in a car. He said: “I think there is a car ahead and there is Abhay Deol in that car. We are going to catch up with him.”
Karanvir Bohra then asked his driver to speed up as they chased Abhay’s car. Finally, at a junction, Karanvir walked up to Abhay’s car and tapped on his window. A surprised Abhay rolled down the window and both greeted each other. Karanvir then told him how they had been chasing him for 10 minutes.
One of Karanvir’s TV industry colleagues Rashami Desai reacted to the video. She wrote: “You both are so cute.” Juhi Babbar also dropped an emoji.
Karanvir and Teejay’s youngest daughter was born in Canada, where the family had been based for the last several months. In December last year, the couple was blessed with a baby girl, whom they named Gia Vanessa Snow.
The TV actor and his family recently returned to India from Canada. Speaking to Hindustan Times, Karanvir said: “I’m so happy to be back here. I love the monsoons. Those are my favourite time to be here in Mumbai. We have been wanting to come back for the past three months, but because of the pandemic, tickets would get postponed, flights would get cancelled.”
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Speaking about how his eight-month old was adapting to the new surroundings, he said, “She’s so excited to see this whole place, which is very new to her. She adapted really well, it’s a good thing. We’re not going out and meeting anybody. Friends and family want to meet us and pick up the children, but we’ve told them to wait for another seven to ten days.”
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