In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, actor Rajeev Sen had accused his wife Charu Asopa of having an affair with actor Karan Mehra. The couple is going through a bitter divorce with allegations and accusations being hurled at each other. Both are giving daily interviews in the media with new revelations piling up each time. (Also read: Rajeev Sen is lying: Charo Asopa on being accused of having an affair with Karan Mehra)
In the HT interview, Rajeev had said, “One of the points to be noted from the voice note is her romance with TV actor Karan Mehra being disclosed by her mother. She made a romantic reel with him. She blames me for cheating on her and being suspicious of her. What a world we live in,” he added.
Now, Karan has reacted strongly to the accusations. “What romance is Rajeev talking about? I had spoken to Charu for a while at a promotional event in June. After that, we never connected until today. Prior to the event in question, I had met Charu about 10 years ago. I have shifted to Delhi after the whole Nisha Rawal episode and Rajeev Sen accuses me like this. Just terrible,” he told The Times of India. He also added that he doesn’t want to contact Rajeev Sen. He said, “I don’t have his number and don’t wish to. I would rather file a defamation suit against him.”
Even Charu felt embarrassed by Rajeev’s allegations. “This is utter bullsh*t… I have worked with Karan on one show, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, and haven’t met him for the last 12 years. Recently, there was an event where he also turned up, and we had to post one reel as a professional commitment. There is nothing romantic in the reel. We are just standing there because we are there as celebrities. Usko dekhke koi bhi nahi koi bol nahi sakta ke Karan aur mera chakar chal raha hai (No one can look at it and say we were having an affair).”
Charu Asopa and Rajeev Sen got married in 2019 but soon after their marriage, reports of their divorce started circulating. The two became parents to daughter Ziana in November last year.
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