Actor Karan Kundrra took to Twitter on Thursday evening posing a seemingly angry and cryptic tweet about how he was ‘done defending himself’. While he did not give any details as to what exactly he was referring to, fans responded by offering their sympathies and even defending his girlfriend, actor Tejasswi Prakash, in case the anger was directed at her. Tejasswi herself tried to diffuse the tension with a supportive tweet for Karan before he deleted his original tweet.
Karan tweeted on Thursday evening, “Read some s**t written about me today… not surprised anymore… kind of reminds me of something lol… déjà vu!! narratives much… I’m done defending myself and expecting someone will… didn’t happen then… then why today.” He deleted the tweet sometime later.
While Karan did not explicitly name anybody or specify what incident he was talking about, several fans seemed to connect it to an earlier news story where his girlfriend Tejasswi had called him ‘insecure’ and said he had forbidden her from kissing on screen.
In an interview with Bollywood Life, Tejasswi had said, “I am not the possessive one, he is more possessive and insecure. I always tell him, ‘You are very smart that you don’t display this side in public and I get the insecure tag’… I know he has done this kissing scene and all, but he has clearly told me that I shouldn’t kiss onscreen, so he is the insecure one and not me.”
Fans assumed Karan’s tweet was referring to this interview and many defended her, saying her words had been ‘twisted’ in the interview. “Please ignore all that Karan! I don’t get whom exactly you are referring to here but if it’s Teja, then that is so not true.. she’s always all praises about you,” tweeted one fan in response to Karan’s tweet. Another fan added, “They do what they are best at, twisting words and presenting it in a wrong way. We have seen enough by now to know what and why they are doing this.”
Tejasswi herself reacted to the controversy, saying her joke had been turned into ‘toxicity’. She added that she was ‘one lucky gal’ to have Karan in her life.
Karan responded to Tejasswi’s tweet with a screenshot of Tejasswi’s original interview, writing, “As usual, the joke is on me” with a smiley face at the end. He deleted this tweet too.
Also read: Tejasswi Prakash reveals Karan Kundrra forbade her from kissing on screen, says he keeps his ‘insecure’ side hidden
Many fans shared links of other interviews of Tejasswi where she had called Karan ‘professional and supportive’. Others asked them to take their fight off Twitter. “It’s social media, not live feed guys. Take this off Twitter,” wrote one fan.
Nicknamed ‘TejRan’ by fans, Tejasswi and Karan met and fell in love on Bigg Boss 15. While she won the show, he was the second runner-up.
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