This Sunday on The Kapil Sharma Show, a few current and former cricketers will arrive with their wives. These include Suresh Raina with wife Priyanka, Aakash Chopra with wife Aakshi Mathur, and Deepak Chahar with wife Jaya. On the show, Kapil asked the cricketers about how much they contributed towards household chores and got some surprising answers. (Also read: Kapil Sharma makes fun of Geeta Kapur for judging too many reality shows: ‘Inke bina koi show ban hi nahi sakta’)
When asked, Priyanka said that Suresh does all the work. “Paaji khana ek ghante mein banta hai. Magar us khaane mein pyaar ho (Paaji one can make food in an hour but if that food is made with love)…” Suresh tells Kapil. The host gets up from his seat at this and says, “Paaji! Mujhe maaf kardo maharaj (Please forgive me my Lord).” He even touches Suresh’s feet at Deepak also leaves his seat, unable to control his laughter.
But Suresh wasn’t done. “Paaji lockdown mein sabne seekh lia na? Toh do saal mein jo seekhne ko mila usse koi help ho…partnership hona bahut jaruri hai (Everyone learnt it in lockdown na. Then they should put it use and help out their spouse, have a partnership),” he said. Kapil once again laughed at his words. Aakash asked Suresh with folded hands, “Bhaisaab aap apna khana bana lo humara kyu bana rahe ho (Please do make your food, why are you making it for us too).”
Jaya then revealed how her father-in-law once made food for her and even fed it to her by his own hands. Kapil joked that that was when she knew Deepak would also turn out like him and would be a good catch.
Kapil also got roasted by permanent guest Archana Puran Singh when his wife Ginny rang him up mid shoot. He called her ‘baby’ and Archana asked how would we know which ‘baby’ was calling him. He said that Archana will get him in trouble with his wife.
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