Actor Kishore Kumar G, who garnered praises for his film Kantara, has said that he hasn’t watched KGF Chapter 2 as it is not his ‘type of cinema’. In a recent interview, Kishore also said that he would watch a small film that is based on a serious subject and isn’t successful rather than something which is mindless. (Also Read | Kantara actor Kishore clarifies after reports claimed his Twitter account was suspended for violation)
Kantara, directed by Rishab Shetty, explores the possibility of the coexistence of faith and rationality, the conflict between nature and development, and other themes. Set in a fictional village, Kantara follows a Kambala champion (Rishab), who comes to loggerheads with an upright Forest Range officer, Muralidhar (Kishore). Kantara has earned over ₹500 crore worldwide at the box office.
Speaking with India Today, Kishore said, “I don’t know If is right or wrong but I haven’t watched KGF 2. It is not my type of cinema. It is a personal choice. I would rather watch a small film that is not successful but deals with something serious than something that is mindless.”
Yash tasted phenomenal success with KGF Chapter 2. The film also starred Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon. Directed by Prashant Neel, the film was released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada languages.
The film gathered positive responses from the audience and collected over ₹500 crores at the Indian box office post Covid-19 pandemic. Yash was seen on the big screen with the cool and rugged avatar of Rocky Bhai. The actor in the movie carries an angry young man’s charm to the screen.
Incidentally, Hombale Films is the production house behind both Kantara and KGF Chapter 2. Hombale Films was also behind the 2018 film KGF Chapter 1 starring Yash.
Speaking with news agency PTI recently, Vijay Kiragandur, the founder of Hombale Films, had said, “We were able to beat some records that we created, like Kantara became the highest-grossing film in Karnataka. For KGF 2 the footfalls were six crore and for Kantara, it was about two-and-half to three crore.”
Talking about the third part of KGF, he had said, “There are plans to make KGF 3. Currently, Prashant is busy with Salaar and once he has completed the movie then he will work on the script (for KGF 3). He has a storyline… It can happen next year or after that.”
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