Kannada film Kantara, which has globally grossed over ₹100 crore at the ticket window, was dubbed and released in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu languages over the weekend. As per trade reports, the film has performed beyond expectations in other languages as well and has stunned the trade with its reception. In Telugu states, the film grossed over ₹10 crore in just two days and has already entered the profit zone. Kantara stars Rishabh Shetty in the lead. Also read: Rishab Shetty was worried depiction of some beliefs in Kantara may offend people
Kantara, which translates to mystical forest, tells the story of a local demigod (Bhoota), who trades forest land to the tribe’s people with a king in 1870 in exchange for happiness. Many years later, when the king’s son grows greedy and wants the land back, he dies due to the wrath of Bhoota.
The Telugu and Hindi versions of the film registered solid numbers and performed beyond expectations, as per trade sources. Trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to Twitter and wrote that Kantara Hindi version witnessed a massive growth on the second day. It registered ₹4.2 crore nett in two days at the box office. In the Telugu states, the Telugu version of film grossed around ₹10 crore in two days, as per box office tracking portal Andhra Box Office.
Kantara released alongside Mani Ratnam’s magnum opus Ponniyin Selvan: I, and still managed to do well at the box office. The film also stars Kishore, Achyuth Kumar, Sapthami Gowda and Pramod Shetty among others. Apart from directing, Rishabh also played the lead character.
Celebs like Dhanush, Prabhas, and Shilpa Shetty are praising the Kannada film Kantara. Shilpa recently watched the film with her family in Mumbai, and shared an Instagram post about Kantara, soon after, where she could not stop praising the film and its cast. An excerpt of her caption read, “Appreciation post for Kantara. Watched the film in the theatre… OMG! What a narrative, emotion, vibe and world… Had goose bumps during the climax… really took me back to my roots. Without any bias, this one’s a must watch just for the sheer brilliance of story-telling, performances, heart, faith and direction. Rishabh Shetty hats off to your conviction and versatility. You have worn many hats in this project and added feathers to it too. Enjoy the success.”
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