Actor Kangana Ranaut has now tweeted about the new verification to be used in Meta Verified and slammed Mark Zuckerberg for ‘copying’ Twitter CEO Elon Musk’s ideas. In the tweet, she called the latter a ‘genius’. The actor took to the microblogging site on Monday to respond to a user, who said that the actor was right when she had predicted the new mode of verification that would be used in the future. Kangana reacted to Mark’s recent announcement of Meta Verified, a subscription-based service that can help Facebook users get a blue tick. (Also read: Kangana Ranaut recalls being called a witch, performing black magic for success: ‘Ha ha those days were fun’)
On Sunday, Mark Zuckerberg had announced the same and wrote, “Good morning and new product announcement: this week we’re starting to roll out Meta Verified – a subscription service that lets you verify your account with a government ID, get a blue badge, get extra impersonation protection against accounts claiming to be you, and get direct access to customer support. This new feature is about increasing authenticity and security across our services. Meta Verified starts at $11.99 / month on web or $14.99 / month on iOS. We’ll be rolling out in Australia and New Zealand this week and more countries soon.” Following Mark’s announcement, a Twitter user shared the screenshot of the post and wrote, “Mark verifying with Government id!!! Kangana said the same earlier!! Her X-rays are real!!! She is always ahead!!”
To this, the actor responded by tweeting, “Ha ha @elonmusk fought with the whole world to do this,media criticised him and people threatened to leave twitter, he hasn’t even rolled out all features and his ideas such big hit that and people already hijacked his ideas and copying them, biggest drawback of being a genius.”
Kangana was last seen in Dhakkad, which tanked at the box office. She recently wrapped up the production of her next film Emergency, where she will be seen essaying the role of late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Besides Kangana, actors Anupam Kher, Milind Soman, Mahima Chaudhry, Satish Kaushik and Shreyas Talpade will also be seen in key roles in the film. It is set to be released on October 20, 2023.
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