After criticising the casting of Ranbir Kapoor in Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana, Kangana Ranaut called him Duryodhana and Karan Johar, Shakuni. These characters are the antagonists in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. Taking to Instagram Stories on Sunday, Kangana called Ranbir and Karan ‘main suspects behind all fake blind items against’ late Sushant Singh Rajput. Kangana Ranaut also accused Karan and Ranbir Kapoor of spreading all kinds of ‘nasty rumours’ against her adding that they ‘forcibly played referees’ in her and Hrithik Roshan’s fight. (Also Read | Kangana Ranaut reacts to Ranbir Kapoor playing Lord Ram in Ramayana, calls him a ‘skinny white rat’)
Kangana criticises Karan and Ranbir
Kangana claimed at present she is ‘in a vulnerable place’ but vowed to ‘expose significant illegal activities that they indulge in’ when she is in power. The actor also added that ‘these will be enough for them to be behind bars’. She also thanked her fans for listening to her ordeal which she has been talking about for more than a decade.
Kangana’s note
Kangana wrote, “Elaborating more on yesterday’s stories there are all kinds of menaces in the film industry but the worse is this Duryodhan (white rat) and Shakuni (papa jo) Jodi… They self admittedly call themselves most gossipy, jealous, bi**hy and insecure… they refer to themselves as information and broadcasting ministry of gossip in films … Entire film industry knows this, they were the main suspects behind all fake blind items against Sushant Singh Rajput… that pushed him to commit suicide… They also spread all kinds of nasty rumours against me and forcibly played referees in mine and HR fight … Post that their interference in my life and career has been beyond harassing (cont).”
She also added, “Since I have brought public attention to this kind of spying on me, nasty PR against me and my films such activities have reduced significantly… today I might be in a vulnerable place …. But I take a vow as and when I will be in the position of power I will expose significant illegal activities that they indulge in such as dark web, hacking, spying and illegal underhand defamation…. These will be enough for them to be behind bars …. Thank you for listening to my ordeal I have been talking about this for more than a decade now recently their sinking careers have made them focus more on their own lives otherwise it was next to impossible to work in this industry…”
Kangana concluded, “Since they are bankrupt and media has died a slow death as of now SM is the only media, now the only source of news are celebrities own accounts. With this new change in the society my voice is more audible, otherwise I said the same things for years but they echoed back like I was captured in a soundproof dark chamber, no media carried what I said and they spent huge amount of monies in twisting my words and using them against me …. But then great fall of Bollywood happened, empires crashed …. Here we are now looking at the rise of new collective Indian film industry which will be built on the pillars of democracy, equality and true merit … Thanks.”
Kangana’s note on Saturday
Taking a dig at Ranbir, Kangana had written a note on Instagram. A part of it read, “Recently I am hearing news about another coming up Bolly Ramayana… Where a skinny white rat (so-called actor) who desperately needs some sun tan and conscience he is infamous for doing nasty underhand PR about almost everyone in the industry… known for womanising and drug addiction after desperately trying to prove himself Lord Shiva in a trilogy (which no one watched or want to make more parts of) has now grown fancy to be Lord Rama…”
Kangana has long been making statements against Ranbir Kapoor and his wife Alia Bhatt. Recently, she even accused them of spying on her.
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