Kangana Ranaut, who was at loggerheads with the Shiv Sena’s Uddhav Thackeray-led Maharashtra government, has congratulated the new Maharashtra chief minister Eknath Shinde. The actor hailed him for his success story – from being an auto-rickshaw driver to becoming the chief minister of Maharashtra. Also read: Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Aaj mera ghar…’ video goes viral as Uddhav Thackeray leaves Varsha, Congress leader says…
Sharing a picture of Eknath Shinde on her Instagram Stories on Thursday, Kangana wrote, “What an inspiring success story… From driving auto-rickshaw for a living to becoming of the most important and powerful people in the country… congratulations sir.”
Over the past few years, Kangana had a rift with the Uddhav Thackeray government, and also slammed him on various occasions on her social media accounts. Kangana had recently also reacted to Uddhav’s resignation from the post of chief minister via a video on her Instagram. She said in the video, “In 2020, I had said that democracy is a belief system. And those who destroy this belief system because of greed for power are doomed. Their arrogance will be demolished. This shows a person’s character.”
During the recent political crisis in Maharashtra, her old video slamming Uddhav over the demolition of her new office had gone viral. She had said in the video, “Uddhav Thackeray, what do you think? That you have taken revenge against me by demolishing my house in cahoots with film mafias? Today my house has been demolished, tomorrow your pride will be decimated. This is all about time. Remember.”
After a political crisis emerged in the state, Uddhav Thackeray resigned as the chief minister. The Bharatiya Janata Party was declared as the new ruling party of Maharashtra and appointed Eknath Shinde as the new CM. Kangana has been a vocal supporter of the BJP.
Kangana will next be seen in Tejas, in which she portrays the role of an Indian Airforce officer. The film is slated to release later this year. She is currently working on her production venture, Emergency. She will be seen in the role of Indira Gandhi in the film.
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