Actor Kangana Ranaut shared a throwback picture, in which she is seen doing a step from her song London Thumakda from Queen. The film completed eight years of release on Monday. Taking to Instagram Stories, Kangana posted the photo which also featured cricketers Virat Kohli and MS Dhoni, all doing the same dance step. The picture also starred cricketers Ajinkya Rahane, Ravichandran Ashwin, and Stuart Binny. (Also Read | Kangana Ranaut dances to bhajans at Maha Shivratri event, says ‘paagal kar diya’. Watch)
In the photo, Kangana Ranaut is seen in one of the outfits similar to what she wore in Queen. The photo is from an ad film directed by filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani for Indian Premier League (IPL) Season 9 in 2016.
Sharing the photo, Kangana wrote, “On this day (7th March) in 2014 a film came called #Queen… and it changed my life forever…” She added, “I did many iconic roles after that…Datto, Manikarnika, Thalaivii but little did I know, no matter what I do I will forever be remembered as #Queen…” Kangana added the London Thumakda track as the background music.
Queen is a comedy-drama directed by Vikas Bahl and produced by Anurag Kashyap, Vikramaditya Motwane, and Madhu Mantena. The film also stars Lisa Haydon and Rajkummar Rao. Queen was critically acclaimed, praised for its direction, screenplay, and Kangana’s performance.
Queen became a major commercial success upon release. It won several awards including six at the 60th Filmfare Awards ceremony. At the 62nd National Film Awards ceremony, the film also won the Best Hindi Film and Best Actress awards.
Meanwhile, Kangana has several films in the pipeline including spy thriller Dhaakad. The film also features Arjun Rampal, Divya Dutt, and Saswata Chatterjee.
Directed by Razneesh Razy Ghai, the movie is set to theatrically release on May 27. Produced by Deepak Mukut and Sohel Maklai and co-produced by Hunar Mukut, Dhaakad, it will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam.
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