Actors Ajay Devgn and Kajol’s daughter Nysa Devgn has been sharing photos on her VSCO account. Nysa, who is studying in Switzerland, has shared a couple of pictures with her friends, from a party. One of the pics shows the 18-year-old in a red bodycon dress with her friends. The second is a selfie in is posing with two of her friends.
Nysa is currently living in Switzerland, where she is studying International Hospitality at Glion Institute of Higher Education. Before this, she lived for three years in Singapore for her final years of school, having completed her elementary schooling in Mumbai itself. While her Instagram account remains private, Nysa regularly posts pictures on VSCO, giving a glimpse at her college life in Europe. She does have several fan clubs across the various platforms on social media, who regularly share her pictures, usually amassing thousands of likes and comments.
Also read: Ajay Devgn’s daughter Nysa does happy dance as she joins him, Kajol, Yug at Bhuj premiere. Watch
In 2018, Kajol had told HT the reason behind the decision to send Nysa abroad for higher education. “It’s really difficult for any parent to be separated from your children, but at the end of the day, it’s for their own good,” she had said. The actor, did, however, admit that the decision was tough for both her and husband Ajay. She elaborated, “It was very, very tough for me, but not as tough as it was probably for Ajay because I have myself studied in a boarding school away from home.”
While many speculate whether Nysa would follow her parents’ footsteps and enter Bollywood, dad Ajay Devgn had said in 2018 that “films aren’t part of Nysa’s ambitions in life”. Even Kajol echoed this sentiment in 2019. Responding to a question about Nysa’s Bollywood debut at an event, she said, “I think you can give her a break and some space.”
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