Kajal Aggarwal took to Instagram and expressed her feelings after resuming work on Kamal Haasan- starrer Indian 2. The movie stars Siddharth, Rakul Preet Singh, Bobby Simhaa and Priya Bhavani Shankar in key roles. In a Reel shared by her, Kajal can be seen practising horse riding with a trainer. She wore a black t-shirt and pink pants with a blue helmet to cover her head. She can be seen petting the horse and enjoying her ride. (Also read: Kajal Aggarwal cradles baby Neil in new pic, Sonu Sood calls them ‘so cute’)
She captioned her post, “Eager and excited, I jumped back into work 4 months post-partum! Little did I realise that it would feel like starting from scratch. My body wasn’t the same as how it used to be. Pre baby, I could endure very long workdays with taxing amounts of physical activity AND then hit the gym.”
She further added, “Post baby, it’s been hard to get back my energy levels. Mounting a horse, let alone riding it seemed like a huge task! My body protested with the martial arts training that came so easily to me earlier. Our bodies can change/ may change/ will change but our indomitable spirit and burning passion, need not. We’ve got to just keep showing up for ourselves and consistently making each day count. It’s all about what we choose to prioritise to focus on and not feel guilty about our choices.”
While announcing her upcoming film Kajal wrote, “#Indian2 I’m so glad I’ve jumped back into the drill with you. Stoked to learn new skills on the job and pursue them as hobbies after. So fortunate to be a part of this industry I call home! Grateful for the opportunities to constantly learn and become an upgraded version of myself.” One of her fans commented, “Can’t wait to see you in this new role. I’m soo excited.” Gauri Nayar commented, “ You are inspiration to us all.” To which Kajal replied, “You are the same for me! I love you! Another fan wrote, ”Welcome back to your home! #Indian2.
Kajal tied knot with Gautam Kitchlu in an intimate ceremony in October 2020. The couple welcomed baby boy Neil in April this year. She took break from her work because of pregnancy. She has worked in films in multiple languages. She was last seen in the Telugu film Acharya alongside Chiranjeevi, Ram Charan, and Pooja Hegde.
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