Reliance Jio, one of India’s leading telecommunications companies, unveiled the Jo Bharat phone platform on Monday, aimed at serving over 250 million existing feature phone users by offering affordable 4G feature phones with budget-friendly data plans. The newly introduced Jio Bharat phone goes beyond traditional feature phones, enabling users to access the internet, make UPI payments, and enjoy Jio’s entertainment applications. Moreover, the 4G feature phone is bundled with Jio Bharat plans, providing users with unlimited calls and daily mobile data at reasonable rates.
To cater to the Indian market, the Jio Bharat phone is competitively priced at Rs 999 and is available in two color variants: Red and Blue. In a strategic move, Reliance Retail plans to collaborate with various brands, with Karbonn being the first, to adopt the Jio Bharat platform and introduce Jio Bharat phones to the market.
Commencing on July 7, 2023, Reliance Jio will initiate beta trials for the first one million Jio Bharat phones, furthering the company’s objective to upgrade existing 2G feature phone users. The trial phase will encompass 6,500 tehsils across India.
In addition to the Jio Bharat phone, Reliance Jio has introduced Jio Bharat recharge plans, starting at Rs 123 for a 28-day validity period. Subscribers of this plan can benefit from unlimited voice calls and 0.5 GB of data per day. Furthermore, Jio Bharat offers an annual plan priced at Rs 1,234, providing users with the same daily data limit and unlimited voice calls.
While the detailed specifications of the Jio Bharat phone have not yet been revealed, key features have been disclosed by Reliance Jio. The device boasts the appearance of a conventional feature phone, featuring a compact screen and physical keypad. However, it incorporates various smart functionalities. Notably, users can make UPI payments through the JioPay app and access a wide range of movies and TV shows via the Jio Cinema app. Moreover, the Jio Bharat phone comes equipped with the JioSaavn app, granting users access to over 80 million songs. Basic features like FM radio and a torchlight are also included. The operating system running on the Jio Bharat phone remains undisclosed, leaving uncertainty regarding the availability of popular applications like WhatsApp.
Reliance Jio intends to empower the existing 250 million feature phone users by granting them access to the internet through the Jio Bharat phone. Furthermore, the company plans to extend the reach of the ‘Jio Bharat platform’ to other brands, fostering the development of more entry-level 4G phones. The first brand to embrace this initiative will be Karbonn.
With the upcoming beta trials of the Jio Bharat phone, Reliance Jio aims to revolutionize the mobile landscape by bridging the digital divide for feature phone users in India.
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