Janhvi Kapoor shared some breathtaking pictures of herself from the photo shoot for a magazine. She is seen in traditional Mughal-style jewellery and clothes as she posed with much grace. Among the many who praised her look was also her ex-boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya. He was recently on a vacation with Janhvi in Maldives.
Janhvi shared the pictures on Instagram and captioned it, “Truly praying I get to do a period film soon, till then old world photoshoots will have to do. Thank you @lifestyleasiaindia for letting me live out my vintage royal dreams for a day!”
Shikhar commented on the post, “wow wow wow” along with a star-eyes emoji and heart emoticons.
Janhvi recently returned from Maldives and made a glamorous appearance at a beauty awards show on Monday. She wore a mermaid-inspired neon gown and was joined by close friend Orhan Awatramani on the red carpet.
During her Maldives visit, Janhvi shared a ton of pictures from her time on the beach, in the sun as well as under the moon. It was confirmed she was accompanied by Shikhar when a Reddit user pointed out the similarity between his and Janhvi’s pics. Janhvi had shared a picture of her under the moonlit sky along with the caption, “(Half moon emoji) Meet me in the pale moonlight (half yellow moon emoji).” Shikhar had even commented on it, “Moon spirit (red heart emoji).” Shikhar also shared the same picture of the moonlit sky on his Instagram Stories though he wasn’t posing like Janhvi.
Shikhar is the grandson of former Maharashtra chief minister Sushilkumar Shinde. He and Janhvi have been spotted together a few times recently, long after they broke up. Karan Johar had also confirmed their relationship in an episode of his chat show, Koffee With Karan season 7.
Janhvi is currently working on her next, Mr and Mrs Mahi. She plays a cricketer in the film that also stars her Roohi co-star Rajkummar Rao. She has already completed shooting of her film with Varun Dhwan, titled Bawaal. In year 2022, the actor had a theatrical release Mili and an OTT release, Good Luck Jerry.
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