Janhvi Kapoor shared pictures from a recent party she and her sister Khushi Kapoor attended. On Saturday, the actor took to Instagram and revealed that they were joined by her rumoured ex-boyfriend Akshat Rajan. He and the Kapoor sisters seemed to have had a ball at the bash.
On the occasion, Janhvi glammed things up with her white, strappy dress while Khushi opted for a black shirt and pants paired with a grey oversized blazer. In the videos, Janhvi was showered with hugs and kisses by Akshat as they posed for the camera. They struck different poses. They were soon joined by her sister Khushi.
In the picture, Janhvi and Khushi, along with their friends, posed beside a balloon arrangement with large cutouts of King, Queen and Jack cards. One could also spot a playing dice set up behind them. Janhvi captioned the post “fam”.
Janhvi had shared a glimpse of her outfit on Thursday. She shared a series of pictures taken after she got decked up for the night. She struck numerous poses for the camera and shared them on Instagram with the caption, “vanilla swirlie”.
Earlier this week, Janhvi also shared a cosy picture with Akshat to wish him on his birthday. “Happy birthday to the world’s best human I love you,” she said.
Janhvi was last seen in Roohi, in which she played a possessed bride. The film also starred Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma. She also wrapped up the filming of Good Luck Jerry earlier this year. Although Janhvi has Dostana 2 and Takht in the pipeline, the shoot of both films are yet to start.
While Dostana 2 had completed a schedule of filming before the pandemic began, it has been halted after Dharma Productions announced the film will be recast.
Also read: Janhvi Kapoor snuggles rumoured ex-boyfriend Akshat Rajan in sweet birthday post: ‘World’s best human’
Meanwhile, Khushi is also expected to make her acting debut soon. Although her name is being associated with several projects, neither she nor her father, producer Boney Kapoor, have confirmed the developments.
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