Actor Alia Bhatt on Thursday stepped out in Mumbai with her mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen Bhatt. As several photographers rushed to click their photos outside an eatery, one of them lost his slippers. Upon noticing it, Alia did not hesitate to help him find it. In fact, she picked up the shoe from the corner and gave it to the concerned person. Also read: Alia Bhatt looks pretty in black saree for Delhi event
Alia Bhatt picks up photographer’s slipper
A video of Alia and her family from the recent incident has surfaced online. Alia looked casual in a sweatshirt and trousers. As the media crowded the family for pictures, Alia, Shaheen and Soni came together and posed for the cameras.
As they were done, the family started walking towards their car. It’s when Alia noticed a lost slipper. When enquired about it, many of the paparazzi told her it belonged to someone among them. Alia hurriedly picked it up, even though many told her to let it be and urged the one who lost it to come forward and take it away from her hand.
As the person thanked her, she went inside the car and waved bye to the cameras. Reacting to the wholesome video, an Instagram user wrote in the comment section of the post, “She is so sweet.” “You are so humble dearest,” added another one. Someone also said, “If her movie isn’t releasing this month then she would have not picked!”
Alia Bhatt’s latest post
An hour ago, Alia posted a bunch of photos from her recent visit to Delhi. She attended an event hosted by Prime Video. It was held for the search forIndia’s Next Unicorn and was also attended by Professor Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India.
Sharing the photos, Alia wrote, “Made a quick trip to Delhi and spoke from my heart to support #MissionStartAbOnPrime @primevideoin Many thanks to Principal Scientific Advisor, Govt of India, Ajay Kumar Sood ji for his support of this initiative to discover grassroots entrepreneurs in India.” At the event, Alia opted for a black saree. The actor will be next seen in Karan Johar’s Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani.
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