As actor-couple Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s younger son Jehangir Ali Khan clocked his second birthday, his family and relatives celebrated the occasion with a party. Taking to Instagram, Jehangir’s aunt-actor Soha Ali Khan posted a video in which all the family members gathered around the swimming pool at Kareena’s house. (Also Read | Happy Birthday Jehangir Ali Khan: Karisma Kapoor, Soha Ali Khan, Saba wish nephew with unseen pics as he turns two)
The designated area was decorated with party banners and colourful balloons. In the clip, a boy kicked a balloon that flew high into the sky. Karisma Kapoor who stood nearby recorded a video on her phone as she turned around and smiled at Soha. Kareena Kapoor who also stood near them smiled at first and then seemingly asked Soha something.
Saif Ali Khan was seen talking to Kunal Kemmu. The video also gave a quick glimpse of Soha’s daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu walking down the stairs. Soha captioned the video, “In case you see any unidentified objects in the sky tonight, now you know…”
Soha shared another post featuring her siblings. She wrote, “Kin (red heart emoji) @sabapataudi.” In the photo, Saba Ali Khan stood between Saif and Soha as they smiled at the camera.
Taking to Instagram, Saba posted a video in which Jehangir was seen in his mother’s arms as he blew out candles on a cake. The two-tier cake was decorated and the words ‘Happy Birthday Our Darling Jeh Baba’ were written on it.
The clip also featured Kareena with Jeh in her arms as she smiled at the camera while Saif held their elder son Taimur Ali Khan’s hand. Jeh was seen looking away from the lens. Saba captioned the post, “Happy memories. Jehjaan turns 2! Mahsha’Allah…#siblings #sisterlove #bonds #brother #jehjaan.”
Kareena also shared several posts on her Instagram Stories. In a photo, Saif and Taimur posed for the camera near the pool. She wrote, “Thank you for the fabulous setup Reenz (red heart and star emojis).”
For the occasion, Saif wore a peach T-shirt and pants. Soha opted for a black top under a white shirt and denim. Kareena was seen in a T-shirt and denim. Taimur wore a black T-shirt and white pants for the occasion. For his birthday, Jeh was dressed in a blue T-shirt and khaki pants.
Earlier today, Kareena shared two throwback pictures of Jeh from the sets of her HansalMehta film in London, which show him in a grumpy mood as he refuses to leave her lap.
Describing the particular moment, Kareena wrote, “Doesn’t want to leave my lap… this situation will soon reverse. I love you with all my heart and soul, my Jeh baba! Happy Birthday son. Thank you, @khamkhaphotoartist, for capturing this precious moment on our TBM set in London, 2022. Forever and more.”
Kareena and Saif tied the knot in October 2012 in a private ceremony in Mumbai. The couple was blessed with Taimur in 2016 and Jeh in 2021.
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