The star cast and makers of Monica, O My Darling attended the success bash of their film in Mumbai. Huma Qureshi, who is one of the leading actors in the movie, was among a long list of celebrities who walked the red carpet at the event. Rajkummar Rao, Patralekhaa, Radhika Apte, Sikander Kher, Sonakshi Sinha, Zaheer Iqbal, Akansha Ranjan, Shibani Dandekar, Sharvari Wagh, and Anurag Kashyap were among a few celebs who were present at the occasion. Meanwhile, for us, the highlight of the success bash was Huma Qureshi’s sultry red cut-out dress. Keep scrolling to check it out. (Also Read | Monica O My Darling star Huma Qureshi stuns in gorgeous bodycon dress, don’t miss Rahul Khanna’s comment on the pics)
Huma Qureshi is the curvy fashion icon we need
On Tuesday night, Huma Qureshi and the cast of Monica, O My Darling attended the success bash of their recently-released film. Huma walked the event’s red carpet in a sultry red ensemble that screamed classy elegance. The paparazzi clicked Huma at the occasion and shared the snippets on social media. The star’s glamorous look in the outfit proved that she is the curvy fashion icon we need. The attire is perfect for the party season and should be on your mood board. Check out Huma’s pictures and video and how she styled the ensemble below.
Huma went for minimal styling to elevate the sultry red ensemble. For accessories, Huma picked strappy red high heels, statement rings and large gold hoop earrings. As for the glam picks, Huma chose a nude pink lip shade, black winged eyeliner, subtle eye shadow, on-fleek brows, blushed cheeks, beaming highlights, and a sleek pulled-back ponytail.
Regarding the dress design, Huma’s ensemble features a wide neckline, revealing cut-outs on the bust and her midriff, full-length sleeves, padded shoulders, a figure-hugging silhouette, a floor-grazing hem, gathered detail on the front, and a thigh-high slit.
Meanwhile, Huma’s film Monica, O My Darling premiered on Netflix on November 11.
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