Actor Hrithik Roshan on Sunday revealed that he took his mother Pinkie Roshan for a movie on Mother’s Day but she didn’t like it very much. Taking to Instagram, Hrithik said that Pinkie taught him some yoga moves that he’s ‘ecstatic about.’ The actor shared several pictures as he did yoga with Pinkie Roshan. (Also Read | Hrithik Roshan’s girlfriend Saba Azad finds him ‘cutest’ as he compliments her, ex-wife Sussanne Khan likes her singing)
In a few pictures, Hrithik and Pinkie lay on mats on the floor as they tried some yoga moves. In one of the photos, Hrithik sat smiling as his mother took rest. Hrithik also posed for selfies with Pinkie. The actor wore a blue T-shirt, grey pants and a cap. Pinkie opted for a grey T-shirt and blue denims.
Sharing the photos, Hrithik captioned the post, “Sharing some mama moments with you all on Mother’s Day. I took her for a movie she didn’t like much. And she taught me some yoga moves I am ecstatic about! Damn mama actually knows a lot of good stuff about strength! Happy Mother’s Day everyone. Love you mama.” Reacting to the post, actors Preity Zinta, Kunal Kapoor and Darshan Kumaar dropped red heart emojis.
Earlier, in the day Hrithik was seen exiting a building with his mother. In a video shared by a paparazzo account on Instagram, Hrithik’s two sons–Hridaan Roshan and Hrehaan Roshan also accompanied them. In the clip, Hrithik was seen getting in a car with his mother.
Meanwhile, Hrithik will be seen in the upcoming film Vikram Vedha. The upcoming project is the Hindi remake of the Tamil film of the same name. The Hindi remake, which also stars actor Saif Ali Khan, is being directed by the makers of the original film, Pushkar-Gayathri. The film is based on the popular folk tale of Vikram-
The upcoming remake will mark filmmaker duo Pushkar and Gayathri’s Hindi debut in both direction and writing. It is presented by Gulshan Kumar, T-Series Films and Reliance Entertainment in association with Friday Filmworks and YNOT Studios Production.
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