The Khan family threw a big bash for Sanjay Khan on his 81st birthday on Monday. In pictures posted from the family get-together by Sanjay’s daughters Farah and Susanne, the family can be seen celebrating Sanjay’s birthday at his house. Sussanne’s ex- husband Hrithik Roshan also made an appearance at the party.
Sussanne Khan took to her social media, sharing a reel featuring a collage of several pictures from the evening. “Happy happy birthday Papa..for all the lessons of Life that you have taught us all, Thank you for being our Strength and Our Inner voice… Love you toooo much,” she wrote as a caption to the reel.
The reel showed Susanne posing for selfies with sister Farah Khan Ali and posing with Sanjay, mom Zarine, brother Zayed as well as her sons Hridhaan and Hrehaan. Farah also posted several pictures on her Instagram stories, in which Hrithik can be seen hugging Sanjay at the party.
Sanjay Khan starred in several hit films such as Mela, Dus Lakh, and Nagin through the 1960s and 70s. His son Zayed is also an actor. Sanjay’s daughter Sussanne was married to Hrithik Roshan for 14 years before they divorced in 2014. However, they continue to co-parent their two sons. During the pandemic, the two even decided to live in the same house to be with their children.
Also read: Hrithik flies to Maldives ahead of Christmas with son, cousins; enjoys night sky
“We realised early on that the days ahead would require us to regroup our energies towards creating serenity for one another. With that thought in mind, and a heap full of love, we started on our lockdown adventure,” she told Vogue in an interaction in May 2020. Sussanne has always spoken highly of Hrithik as a parent. In June 2020, sharing a video montage of Hrithik’s bonding moments with their sons, she had written on her social media, “When God knew he couldn’t be everywhere he made ‘A Dad’. Happy daddy’s day Rye… u are simply the best dad ever.”
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