Apple, in a rather overdue move, finally launched two Apple Stores in India earlier this month. The company has appointed groups of highly educated, tech-savvy staff members to help all customers visiting the Apple Stores in Mumbai and Delhi. These Apple Store employees in India are reportedly earning way more money than their counterparts working in the retail stores of other tech brands. The caretakers of Apple’s India stores donned green t-shirts and stood alongside Cook last week and welcomed, with cheers and applauses, the customers who lined-up outside the stores.
Apple is said to be paying around Rs. 1 lakh to its employees handing its two retail stores in India according to a report by Economic Times.
The reported salary that Apple Store’s offering in India is touted to be up to four times higher than what other tech brands pay their retail store employees on a monthly basis.
Data by industry researchers like AmbitionBox, states that the average salary of a mobile store salesman or staff member in India ranges between Rs. 1.20 lakh yearly to nearly Rs. 6 lakh per annum. This brings their monthly compensations between Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 50,000 depending on the internal profiles of the staff members.
It is estimated, that the Cupertino-US-based tech giant has onboarded around 170 people to manage its two Apple Stores in India. It is also clear that Apple has conducted due diligence before finalising its team members to take up the responsibility of running the first two stores in India.
Along with high-level educational qualifications in Information Technology (IT), electrical engineering, robotics and computer applications, Apple has appointed linguistically advanced staff to be part of its Indian retail stores.
Some staff members have been relocated from other countries as well, to be part of Apple’s India retail expansion.
In the coming times, Apple could double or triple investments in India along with exports, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the deputy minister for information technology recently told Reuters.
The Apple CEO, while on his visit to India, met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in New Delhi. The meeting entailed discussions on how Apple plans to grow its business and manufacturing from within India.
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