Bharti Singh’s husband Haarsh Limbachiyaa asked her to pose for the paparazzi during a recent outing. He put her hand on her waist and even taught her how to make a ‘model face’ for the cameras. However, she did not seem too impressed and complained to the photographers, “Yeh kya style bana ke diya hai dekho (Look at the style he is making me pose in).”
One paparazzo jokingly told Bharti that she looks like the victim of a kidney racket. “Kidney chori ho gayi (Someone has stolen your kidney),” he said.
Then Bharti twirled around and struck a number of poses as the photographers cheered her on. As one said ‘once more’, she replied, “Once more? Itni dhoop hai phir no more (It’s so sunny that I will be no more).”
Bharti jokingly told the photographers that Haarsh trolling her should not be made public. “Yeh koi nahi dikhayega media mein, mere pati ne meri beizzati ki (No one should show in the media that my husband insulted me),” she warned.
Also read | Bharti Singh, who lost her dad at two, says she has no photos of him at home: ‘I don’t allow anyone to put them up’
Bharti and Haarsh tied the knot in Goa on December 3, 2017. The two have participated together in shows such as Nach Baliye and Khatron Ke Khiladi. They also hosted Dance Deewane 3, which came to an end earlier this month.
Next month, Bharti and Haarsh will launch a new game show titled The Indian Game Show on her YouTube channel Bharti TV. Jasmin Bhasin, Aly Goni and Raghav Juyal, among others, will feature as guests.
Bharti and Haarsh will also host the reality show Hunarbaaz – Desh Ki Shaan, which will air on Colors in December. The show will also feature Mithun Chakraborty,
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