Since winning the Oscar for Best Documentary Short for The Elephant Whisperers on March 12, producer Guneet Monga has been travelling the country with the trophy as she attends events and official ceremonies, meeting Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu MK.Stalin and even Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Guneet, while appearing on The Kapil Sharma Show, recently shared that while she goes through security and even immigration, airport officials are only interested in her Oscar trophy. They only want to take photos with it and not with her. (Also read: Guneet Monga recalls how former President Pratibha Patil once helped her)
Guneet had been on a recent episode of the comedy talk show, along with author Sudha Murty and actor Raveena Tandon, both of whom were honoured at the Padma awards this year. Host Kapil Sharma jokingly asked Guneet if her family members too want to see the Oscar first before meeting her, and she replied in the affirmative.
She went on to describe how she gets stopped during the security check at the airport, once officials realise what’s in her bag. Guneet shared, “I have this black fabric that I use to wrap the trophy, however you wrap it, the trophy has that peculiar shape and it shows in the X-ray. So people ask me to remove it and show it to them and I tell them Oscar hai (It is the Oscar). And they say, ‘Yes, yes, we want to see it,’ and I tell them, ‘Sir, it is wrapped…’, but they say, ‘Nikaal ke dikhaao, dekhna hai (Remove it and show, we want to see)’, and then they click pictures with it. Only after that I get the permission to go ahead.”
On Instagram, Guneet had added pictures from her appearance on Kapil’s show. She wrote, “Milestone unlocked. Life mein ek baar Kapil Sharma ke show par jana zaroor banta hai (You have to go on Kapil Sharma’s show once in your life)! What a night, what an honour! To be side by side with the ever so inspiring Sudha Murthy Ji, the amazing Archana Puran Singh, and our beloved Raveena Tandon, made this moment all the more special. And Mom, I made it to the Kapil Sharma show! Thank you @kapilsharma. You’ve been such a supporter, through this journey!”
The producer is currently attending the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival as part of the official Indian delegation.
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