During a telephonic conversation with Gulshan Devaiah, the actor mentions he was talking to his ex-wife, actor Kallirroi Tziafeta (33), before our call. The two tied the knot in 2012, but got separated in 2020. “My ex-wife and I are very much in love,” says Devaiah, adding, “We just couldn’t make it (the marriage) work. But, the love is there. I always knew that just love is not enough to make marriage work. Marriage is a responsibility, too. You have to constantly be willing to negotiate with each other to go through life together and that can be hard. That’s the only reason we are divorced.”
Devaiah maintains that they have a “cordial” equation and are constantly in touch: “We are very much in each other’s lives, but not like lovers. We adore and help each other.” Ask if divorce has changed the definition of love for him, and the 44-year-old replies, “Not at all”. Instead, he wants to fall in love again, but doesn’t want to chase it. “I am not seeking [it], but I am open to getting married again. I am not sure if I am open to having children, though. But that’s negotiable,” he says.
The Badhaai Do actor explains how after coming out of a decade-long relationship, one needs to make space for a new person. “You have to give yourself enough time and space, too,” he adds.
Talking about his divorce, Devaiah elaborates, “I never thought my marriage would go wrong. Although I did see a lot of my friends’ marriages fall apart — Kalki-Anurag (actor Kalki Koechlin and filmmaker Anurag Kashyap) being the famous ones — I thought that won’t happen with me. But it did. We couldn’t make it work.”
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