Actor Gauahar Khan, who delivered her first child, a boy, last month, recently revealed that she shed 10 kilos of her post delivery weight in just 10 days. She posted a picture of herself on Instagram leading to fans wonder is such a drastic weight loss even possible that too for a new mother. Many social media users called it unhealthy, and felt it sets unrealistic standards for new mums. Coming to her defense, actor says it’s nobody’s business to be discussing how and when a new mother should keep her weight in check.
“It’s absolutely bizarre to be discussing someone’s weight. This is such a futile topic and discussion. Motherhood has just hit someone, now whether you lose 10 kilos in 10 days or 100 days, it has nothing to do with motherhood. Whether that person is losing weight in a fast way, or slowly, or whether the person is not back in original shape, it is moot discussion,” says Surveen.
The actor, who became a mother in April 2019, stresses that a woman’s body undergoes a lot of changes as they enter this new phase of their life. “So, you can’t ascertain how long or short did a woman take to get back into their original shape or lose x amount of weight. It is so personal and it should not be on anybody’s agenda,” adds the 38-year-old.
This is not the first time when actors’ post-pregnancy weight turned out to be a topic of discussion on social media. In the past, actors such as Neha Dhupia, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Mahi Vij, Rupali Ganguly have been subjected to trolling for being on the heavier side after delivering a baby.
Surveen asserts that people need to be a bit more sensitive towards new mother before saying nasty things or judging their bodies.
“While as actors, we are given the whole responsibility of being public figures and how we influence the world, but people need to understand that social media platforms are far more influential than us, so why even have such a thing up for a discussion. You talk of our work, our relationships, sometimes criticise us, too… It’s all fine because we are public figures and you have all the right. But, to talk about someone’s body and losing weight, especially at a time when a woman’s body has gone through mammoth unfathomable change, is stooping to a new low,” says the actor, hoping for such mindset to change going forward.
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