As the latest instalment in the Fast and Furious franchise, “Fast X,” hits the theatres, an old video has resurfaced featuring Michelle Rodriguez, one of the franchise’s stars, criticizing Marvel for their extensive lineup of films. The resurfaced clip has sparked renewed discussion and debate among fans of both movie universes.
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During her appearance at ComicCon in 2022 to promote the film Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves, Rodriguez playfully suggested that different movie studios should explore the possibility of merging their franchises for a more innovative cinematic experience. She even proposed the idea of the Fast crew venturing into a Transformers movie, stating, “There’s so many movies I’d like to see merge, like think about it, the world’s your oyster. Where can you go? How many Marvel movies can you make? Like, come on guys, at some point we’ve got to get innovative with this.”
However, Marvel enthusiasts quickly responded, pointing out the ‘irony’ of Rodriguez’s remarks given her involvement in the long-standing Fast and Furious franchise. Social media platforms buzzed with fans highlighting the seeming inconsistency, with one fan commenting, “Michelle Rodriguez shouldn’t be criticising Marvel for making too many movies when she herself is part of a franchise with numerous instalments.”
Some fans even drew parallels between Fast and Furious and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), likening the former to “the MCU but with cars.” This comparison sparked further debate among movie enthusiasts, with some defending Rodriguez while acknowledging that the MCU’s reign may eventually come to an end.
While the MCU has expanded beyond the big screen, incorporating a diverse range of TV series, the sheer volume of Marvel movies has become a subject of contention for some. However, given the immense popularity and financial success of the MCU, Marvel fans have been quick to defend the studio’s approach.
It’s worth noting that the Fast and Furious franchise currently consists of 10 films, with one more in development, as well as the spin-off Hobbs and Shaw featuring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham.
ALSO READ: Relive the thrills: A recap of the Fast and Furious movies ahead of Fast X)
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