Filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan attended the special screening of the upcoming film Double XL at Mumbai on Monday. The screening was attended by film directors such as Ashutosh Gowariker, Kabir Khan, Alankrita Srivastava among others. Farah expressed her thoughts post screening and said she found the film quite ‘relatable,’ calling herself a ‘double XL’ too. Huma Qureshi took to Instagram and shared a clip featuring the director’s feedback. (Also read: Farah Khan has a hilarious reaction to Kartik Aaryan’s ‘diet food’)
In the video, Farah, after watching Double XL said, “Being a double XL myself, and I thought the boys were very cute also, the girls were wonderful but the boys were very cute also.” She further said, “I think all of us who are constantly dieting or trying to lose weight or everybody, all of us will identify with it.” In the same video, other filmmakers also shared their thoughts about the film. Kabir Khan said, “I really like the film, very sweet film, the performance was nice and natural, and it was easy flowing film, which said a lot of important things, overall a enjoyable and entertaining film.”
Sharing the clip on Instagram, Huma Qureshi wrote, “Thank you for all the #DoubleXL love coming our way .. after the Directors Screening .. this means a LOT @farahkhankunder @ashutoshgowariker @kabirkhankk @ashishrmohan @mitaksharakumar #DoubleXL releasing on 4th Nov in cinemas #Gratitude Part 2.”
Double XL stars Sonakshi Sinha, Zaheer Iqbal and Mahat Raghavendra along with Huma. The film is based on the prejudices around female body types and obsession with weight. It also has a cameo by cricketer Shikhar Dhawan in his film debut.
Both Sonakshi and Huma gained a lot of weight for the film. In an interview with India Today earlier this year, Zaheer said, “Sonakashi and Huma did their diet as they were supposed to put on weight. They put on 15-20 kg for the film. So they were just eating and eating. It was basically action, cut and burger lao (bring food). That’s all I remember from the shoot.”
Huma will be next seen in dark comedy Monica O My Darling alongside Rajkummar Rao. It is set to release on Netflix on November 11.
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