Zeenat Aman made her Bollywood debut with the 1971 film Hulchul. The veteran actor, who recently completed work on two web series, was seen posing with actor Akanksha Puri, who was seen in the reality show, Swayamvar: Mika Di Vohti. Akanksha shared new photos of herself with Zeenat from a shoot, leaving fans of the veteran actor impressed with her look. Many left comments like ‘wow’ and ‘beautiful’ on Zeenat’s photos. Also read: Zeenat Aman says she was accepted by audience even when she played drug-addict
On Sunday, Akanksha took to Instagram to share two photos of herself standing behind Zeenat Aman, who was seated on a chair, as they posed for the camera. Sharing the post, she wrote in the caption, “Feeling blessed to share screen with the most beautiful, charming and charismatic personality of all time. Totally spellbound by your evergreen beauty Zeenat Aman ma’am.” Fans dropped fire and heart emojis in the comments section of the post.
Zeenat wore black sunglasses with a silver and white outfit. She also wore pearl necklaces and flaunted silver hair. Akanksha was seen in a blue outfit. Reacting to Zeenat’s look, a fan commented on the photos, “All-time favourite diva.” Another one wrote, “Evergreen charming diva.” Praising the two women, a fan wrote, “Two strong personalities in one frame.” Another comment read, “Best pictures of the day.” Some fans also said they could not wait to see the veteran actor on the big screen again.
Zeenat Aman was the first South Asian woman to win the title of Miss Asia Pacific in 1970. At 20, she starred in her third film, which went on to become her first hit – Dev Anand’s Hare Rama Hare Krishna (1971). Zeenat is known for featuring in iconic songs like Chura Liya from Yaadon Ki Baaraat (1974) and Aap Jaisa Koi from Qurbani (1980), among many others. Zeenat was last seen in Ashutosh Gowarikar’s period drama Panipat in 2019.
Akanksha is known for playing Goddess Parvati on the TV show Vighnaharta Ganesha. She has also worked in Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Hindi films. She was declared the winner of singer Mika Singh’s show Swayamvar: Mika Di Vohti earlier this year.
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