Raveena Tandon and husband Anil Thadani’s daughter Rasha Thadani is 18 now. The couple hosted a graduation dinner for her on Saturday with their few near and dear ones among the guests. The actor has now shared several pictures on Instagram from the gathering and her fans couldn’t stop finding similarities between her and her daughter. Also read: Raveena Tandon says she is friends with Akshay Kumar, adds ‘You need to respect everyone’s journey and move on’
Sharing the pictures, Raveena wrote on Instagram, “And then they are all ready to fly outa the nest (heart emoticon) #pregraduationdinner #parentteacherdinner.” The pictures include a few selfies of Raveena and Rasha and some group pictures from the gathering. While Raveena wore a pink saree with a sleeveless blouse for dinner, Rasha decked up in a yellow salwar suit.
Raveena’s fans loved their pictures with one of them commenting, “Absolutely gorgeous!!! Looking so beautiful wow! That’s awesome! Gorgeous.” Another said about Rasha, “Second Raveena ready.” One more wrote, “Twin Tandon.” A fan also asked, “She is your sister?” A comment also read: “Eyebrow, eyes, nose, hair … everything is matching each other mom & daughter… only age matter but beauty is same.”
Raveena and Rasha never miss giving each other a shoutout on social media. Last month, Rasha along with father Anil Thadani and brother Ranbir Thadani accompanied the actor to the Rashtrapati Bhawan where she was honoured with the Padma Shri.
Rasha penned a note for Raveena post the ceremony along with a picture of the actor posing with her award. She wrote, “The Padma Shree award, one of the most prestigious awards of the republic of India. What a year this has been for you. You keep saying it’s Nana’s doing, that he’s helping you achieve what you’re achieving, and I don’t doubt that, but it’s also all your hard work. You deserve all the success, love and respect you’re receiving. I couldn’t be a prouder daughter, watching you and your work getting honoured in front of the most respected people of our community. This is a victory for you mama. Your humility, grace and kindness inspires Ranbir and I to work harder and to be our best selves. The sky is your limit, can’t wait to see what you do next.”
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