Dulquer Salmaan’s wife Amal Sufiya celebrated her birthday on September 4. On Sunday, the actor took to Instagram to share some romantic photos as he wished Amal on her special day. Dulquer Salmaan, whose Telugu film Sita Ramam performed well at the box office, also shared a touching message for Amal as he wished her ‘the best birthday’ which is ‘full of love’. Read more: Dulquer Salmaan, Mrunal Thakur’s film crosses ₹50 crore worldwide
Dulquer and Amal married in December 2011. The couple welcomed their first child, daughter Maryam Ameerah Salmaan, in 2017. As he posted a series of throwback photos from their time together, Dulquer wished his ‘boo (a term of endearment)’ Amal, and wrote a sweet caption as they celebrated her 12th birthday together.
In his long note, Dulquer wrote, “Wishing my dearest Am (Amal), the happiest birthday! This marks a dozen that we’ve celebrated together. Where did all this time go? I’m getting older but you look the same. Thank you for holding the fort when I’m constantly away. For making sure Marie (their daughter Maryam) has one parent who doubles up as both. For all the new chapters you help write in the book of our lives. And forever discovering the world with me. I hope you have the best birthday. Just as you like it. Simple, sweet, surrounded by your people, and full of love. Happy birthday again boo. I love you long time!”
While some pictures gave a glimpse of Dulquer and Amal’s past holidays, where they hugged each other as they posed for the camera, a few photos appeared to be from the couple’s more recent outings. Dulquer also shared a solo photo of Amal, where she looked happy as she posed in a dark setting with dramatic lighting. Many celebs like Sonam Kapoor reacted to Dulquer and Amal’s pictures. Actor Kajal Aggarwal commented on the post, “Happiest birthday Amal.”
After the success of his latest film Sita Ramam, which also featured Mrunal Thakur, Dulquer has several projects in pipeline. He is working on Guns and Gulaabs. The web series is directed by Raj and DK, and also stars Rajkummar Rao and Adarsh Gourav. He will soon be seen in the Malayalam movie, King of Kotha, which is directed by Abhilash Joshiy.
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