On Monday, actor Dipika Chikhlia, who has worked in various shows, but is best known for playing the role of Sita in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan, shared a video of herself. The actor was dressed as Sita in the video, which has been showered with love by her fans. Some also compared her with Kriti Sanon, who essayed the same role in Om Raut’s Adipurush, which has been mired in controversy over its dialogues, including the mention of Sita as ‘India’s daughter’. Also read: Internet calls out ‘cringe’ Adipurus dialogues
Kriti is seen as Janaki in Adipurush. The film also stars Prabhas as Raghav (Ram), Saif Ali Khan as Lankesh (Ravana), Sunny Singh as Shesh (Lakshman) and Devdutta Nage as Bajrang (Hanuman).
Watch Dipika Chikhlia’s video
In the video she posted, Dipika wore a saffron saree that reminded fans of her as Sita in Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan, which began airing on Doordarshan in the late 1980s. She had a red bindi on her forehead and also wore red sindoor (vermillion). Dipika prayed and gave different poses in the clip. She added the Adipurush song Ram Siya Ram to the video she shared on Instagram Reels.
Reaction to her video
Dipika wrote in her caption, “This post is on public demand… I am grateful for the love I have always received for the role I played… Me as Sita ji…could not have asked for more…”
A fan compared Dipika to Adipurush’s Kriti Sanon, and commented on her video, “600 crore times better than Kriti Sanon.” Another wrote, “This one reel of Sita ji can give tough competition to the whole Adipurush film.” A fan also commented, “No one can replace you as Sita ji’s role.”
Dipika on Om Raut kissing Kriti Sanon
Last month, filmmaker Om Raut had kissed Kriti Sanon goodbye outside the Tirupati temple premises. Dipika, who immortalised the role of Sita, shared her displeasure with the incident and said that Kriti might not have thought of herself as Sita.
Dipika had told Aajtak in Hindi in an interview, “I believe this is a big problem with actors of this generation, as they neither get into the character nor understand its emotions. For them, Ramayana must have been just a film. Perhaps they haven’t connected with it spiritually. Kriti is an actress of today’s generation. In today’s era, kissing or hugging someone is considered a sweet gesture. She must have never thought of herself as Sita Ji. It becomes a matter of emotions. I have lived the character of Sita, while today’s actresses just consider it a role. After the film or project is over, they don’t care anymore.”
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