Actor Deepika Padukone attended the song launch of Current Laga Re from Ranveer Singh’s upcoming film Cirkus. Deepika is starring in the music video with her husband, and the couple promoted it along with director Rohit Shetty. The paparazzi clicked Deepika arriving at the event and sharing a sweet hug with Ranveer. Soon, pictures and videos from the show started circulating on social media. Deepika also shared images of her look for the special occasion. She wore a chic suit in 2022’s hottest colour, Rani Pink or Hot Pink. (Also Read | Hansika Motwani, Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone: Actors who chose the traditional red for their wedding day)
Deepika Padukone in pink suit promotes Current Laga Re
On Thursday, Deepika Padukone arrived at the promotions of her and Ranveer Singh’s new song, Current Laga Re, from his upcoming film Cirkus. Deepika donned a hot pink pantsuit for the occasion and shared glamorous pictures of herself dressed in the ensemble on Instagram. Before Deepika, Priyanka Chopra had embraced the season’s trending colour while attending an event for Bulgari in Dubai. While Priyanka wore a gown, Deepika chose a powersuit. Styled by Shaleena Nathani, Deepika served fierce and elegant vibes in the ensemble. Check out the pictures below.
Deepika’s hot pink suit set features a silk-satin blazer that comes in an oversized silhouette, full-length sleeves, padded shoulders, pockets on the side, double-breasted button closures, notch lapel collars, and buttoned cuffs. She layered it over a bodycon bralette featuring a plunging neckline.
Deepika completed the ensemble with matching satin-silk pants featuring a wide-leg straight fitting. For the accessories, Deepika picked hot pink pointed stilettos, statement diamond rings, and matching ear-drop earrings.
In the end, Deepika chose glossy nude lip shade, sleek eyeliner, smoky eye shadow, mascara on the lashes, darkened brows, rouged cheeks, and beaming highlighter for the glam picks. A sleek pulled-back high ponytail rounded off the makeup and added a fierce touch.
Meanwhile, Cirkus stars Ranveer Singh, Jacqueline Fernandez, Pooja Hegde, Johny Lever, Varun Sharma, Sanjay Mishra, Mukesh Tiwari, Vrajesh Hirjee, and Siddharth Jadhav, among others. The film is set to hit the theatres on December 23.
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