Actor Deepika Padukone was honoured at the TIME100 Impact Awards last night held in Dubai, and the pictures and videos from the occasion are going crazy viral on social media. The star attended the awards ceremony at the Museum of the Future with her husband, Ranveer Singh, in a dazzling look. She walked the red carpet in a shimmering sheer saree and matching embellished blouse with exquisite accessories. Deepika embraced the ethnic sartorial statement for the special occasion with her impeccable and graceful style while also giving it her own modern twist.
On Monday night, Deepika took to Instagram to post videos and photos of herself arriving at the Museum of the Future to attend the TIME100 Impact Awards. In one of the videos, she expressed her excitement at arriving at the awards ceremony and confessed that she was feeling nervous. Additionally, it is the second time the star is attending the TIME awards.
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The actor chose a sheer pearl white saree for the occasion. The six yards come adorned with intricate threadwork done in a floral pattern, sequinned embellishments, embroidered patti work on the borders, and a floor-sweeping pallu with white feather tassels.
The Gehraiyaan actor wore the shimmering six yards with a sleeveless blouse. It featured golden sequin embellishments done all over, a plunging neck and back, cropped midriff-baring hem, and a fitted bodice. A pearl and kundan adorned gold choker necklace, pearl drop earrings, and jewelled brown pumps completed the actor’s accessories.
Deepika amped up the glamour quotient of her red-carpet look by tying her tresses in a sleeked back and messy bun and choosing smoky eyeshadow, sleek eyeliner, mascara-adorned lashes, glowing skin, blushed cheeks and nude lip shade.
Meanwhile, Ranveer accompanied Deepika on her special night in a red bandhgala sherwani with front button-up details, churidar pants, embroidered mojaris, tinted sunglasses, a sleek watch and earrings. He rounded off the look with a back-swept hairdo and groomed beard.
Deepika has joined a list of several influential names in the TIME100 Impact Awards list that honours the world’s leading scientists, politicians, activists, and artists. She was lauded for her outstanding commitment to mental health advocacy.
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