Actor Khushi Kapoor dropped few pictures on her Instagram handle. In the photos, Khushi is posing wearing a sultry black outfit. As soon as she dropped the photos, many Bollywood celebrities and her fans praised her look. Khushi’s sister Janhvi Kapoor, Deepika Padukone, Suhana Khan and many others complimented Khushi in the comments section. Also Read: Khushi Kapoor shares behind-the-scene selfies of her stunning makeup; Suhana Khan says ‘wow’
Deepika Padukone commented, “Uff.” Suhana Khan wrote, “Amazing.” Anurag Kashyap’s daughter Aaliyah Kashyap called Khushi, “Yummy.” Karisma Kapoor and Manish Malhotra dropped heart emojis and Khushi’s cousin Anshula Kapoor posted a few fire emojis. Janhvi shared the post on her Instagram Stories and wrote, “Is she real?” One person commented, “I am obsessed with these pictures.” Another one wrote, “My heart is racing man. Amazing pics.”
Khushi is the younger daughter of film producer Boney Kapoor and Sridevi. She will soon be making her Bollywood debut with Netflix’s The Archies. The film will also mark the debut of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan and of Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson and Shweta Bachchan’s son Agastya Nanda.
Khushi, Suhana and Agastya will reportedly essay the role of frenemy-duo, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge, and Archie Andrews, respectively, in Zoya Akhtar’s Netflix adaption of the popular international comics, Archies. The Archies also stars Vedang Raina, Dot, Mihir Ahuja, and Yuvraj Menda.
In May, Zoya had shared a poster of the film and a first look teaser featuring the ensemble cast dressed in striking 1960s’ attire. The film will premiere on Netflix next year. Sharing the teaser on social media, Zoya wrote, “Ain’t nothing like old school. Grab your gang ’cause the Archies are coming soon on @netflix_in (sic).”
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