When “The Kelly Clarkson Show” premiered on NBC in fall 2019, it immediately enchanted audiences, thanks to the charm and candour of its host, Kelly Clarkson, who had already won hearts as the first-ever American Idol. The show saw Clarkson engaging in lively discussions with guests like Hillary Clinton and Dolly Parton, and performing iconic “Kellyoke” segments, where she covered hit songs. Despite its onscreen success, a recent Rolling Stone report tells a different story, revealing allegations of a toxic work environment behind the scenes.
According to the report, numerous employees claim they were overworked, underpaid, and that working on the show was detrimental to their mental health. Current and former employees voiced their concerns anonymously, fearing retribution, and suggested that Clarkson herself might not be aware of the workplace dissatisfaction.
The program, produced by NBC, enjoys high ratings and an estimated daily viewership of 1.4 million as of December 2022, per Nielsen data. The Emmy-winning show, steered by executive producer and show-runner Alex Duda, previously of “Steve Harvey” and “The Tyra Banks Show”, has been renewed through 2025. However, allegations of toxic behaviour from Duda herself have surfaced.
Employees claimed there is a divide between the favoured and the overlooked staff, and alleged that HR complaints have not led to a shift in the show’s culture. They worry that without repercussions, the situation may worsen with each passing season. Some staffers even resorted to additional jobs, such as babysitting or Uber driving, to make ends meet.
According to the Rolling Stone report, the show’s problematic culture seems to start with Duda, who is alleged to have shielded Clarkson from the unhappy reality of the staff. A current and ten former employees believe that Clarkson is unaware of the severity of the issues faced by lower-level staffers.
Sadly, the allegations of a toxic work environment at “The Kelly Clarkson Show” aren’t unique in daytime television. In recent years, other popular programs like “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and “Dr. Phil” faced similar allegations. Industry insiders suggest a deep-seated culture of mistreatment persists within the realm of daytime TV, often perpetuated by the same executive producers and showrunners.
Although NBC, Clarkson, and Duda haven’t responded to the allegations, it’s essential that they address these issues and establish a healthier work environment. The staff deserves an environment that matches the show’s happy, bubbly messaging, ensuring that their mental health and well-being aren’t compromised. It’s time for change, and it starts with transparency, accountability, and respect for every single person on the team.
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