Aditya Patil, 8, has won talent reality show Dance Deewane Juniors, along with his choreographer Pratik Utekar. He lifted the winners trophy and took home the prize money of ₹20 lakh during the finale episode which also had Aamir Khan as a special guest. He wishes to give the prize money to his grandfather so that they can make a new house. Also read: Dance Deewane Junior contestant introduces his 6-pack abs to Tiger Shroff, see his reaction
Dance Deewane Juniors was hosted by Karan Kundrra and had actors Neetu Singh, Nora Fatehi and choreographer Marzi Pestonji as judges. Aditya shared a picture of himself as he held the trophy in his hands and wrote on Instagram, “Dream Completed. All credit goes to whole family and my @pratikutekar.official sir.”
Aditya also thanked his choreographer and everyone else after his win. Sharing a few pictures from the finale episode, Aditya wrote, “Finallly the trophyyy is here. Thank you everyone for your immense love and support, can’t even express how much this means to me and my family. My family’s hard work, My supergurus, My mentors and everyone else. Special thanks to @pratikutekar.official sir for making me win this, it was not possible without his guidance and mentorship, he made me try different styles every week and made sure that I ace in it, my dance has only enhanced because of him and his team.”
He further added, “Thank you, each and everyone of you because you made me achieve this dream, This journey has been so important for me and you all were an integral part of it, without your votes, love and support this was not possible. Thank you so much each and everyone of you who voted and even if you supported, I’m forever grateful to you.”
Aditya dedicated his win to his grandfather. He told ETimes, “It was my grandfather’s wish to see me winning the show and I dedicate this trophy to him. He is very happy.” Talking about how he wants to spend the prize money, he said, “I will give the winning amount to my grandfather and we will buy a big house.”
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