The wedding reception of actor Abishek Ambareesh and Aviva Bidappa was a grand affair. The event, which was hosted on Wednesday night, brought together some of Indian cinema’s biggest celebrities under one roof. From actors Chiranjeevi and Jackie Shroff to actor-politician Shatrughan Sinha, many celebs graced the function. Also read: Rajinikanth, Yash attend Abishek Ambareesh and Aviva Bidappa’s grand wedding. See pics
Chiranjeevi attends reception with wife
Pictures and videos of Chiranjeevi from the reception have gone viral on social media. Chiranjeevi was accompanied by his wife Surekha Konidala, who can be seen standing beside him in the video.
It’s worth mentioning that Chiranjeevi and Abishek’s mother Sumalatha have worked together in over dozen Telugu films. Some of their best films include Khaidi, Subhalekha, Swayam Krushi, Veta and Rakshasudu among others.
Shatrughan Sinha, Jackie also spotted
In the same video, Shatrughan Sinha can be also seen stand alongside the young couple. He was also joined by his wife, who stood next to Sumalatha in the video. Other celebrity guests who attended the reception include Darshan, Divya Spandana, Simha and Haripriyya among others.
Jackie Shroff, who was dressed in a pink outfit, was also seen in pictures that emerged after the reception.
Rajinikanth had attended the wedding
Earlier this week, Abishek Ambareesh, son of late Kannada actor Ambareesh, got married to model and entrepreneur Aviva Bidappa in a grand ceremony, which was attended by the who’s who of the film industry as well as political world. Actors Rajinikanth, Yash and Mohan Babu were among the few celebrities who attended the wedding ceremony.
More about the bride and groom
Abishek made his acting debut with 2019 Kannada film Amar and has also worked in another project tiled Bad Manners, which is due for release soon.
Aviva, on the other hand, is the daughter of Prasad Bidappa, a well-known celebrity fashion designer. Aviva is a popular model, fashion designer, TV personality, and a successful entrepreneur. Recently, Abishek and Aviva gave a tribute to late actor Ambareesh by dancing to his iconic songs.
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